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ASB and criminality around the bus interchange between Alexandra Parade and Regent Street

There has been a significant increase in Anti Social Behaviour and criminality around the bus interchange between Alexandra Parade and Regent Street.

Police responded to a number of calls in the last 6 weeks relating to heavily intoxicated members of street community and young persons being a general nuisance in the area, being rowdy, verbally abusive and getting involved in fights.




  • 21 July 2024

    Town Centre Neighbourhood Policing Team has formulated a plan of response to the ongoing issues in Alexandra Parade/Regent Street:

    • Over the next three months Town Centre NPT and North Somerset Community Response will be conducting joint high-visibility foot patrols at the location
    • Mobile Police Station will be deployed on a weekly/fortnightly basis to the location and Town Centre NPT officers will be conducting high-visibility patrols, dealing with any incidents of ASB/criminality swiftly and robustly
    • Additional patrols from mounted section and Operational Support Unit may be deployed to the area (demand dependant)
    • A list of offenders is being compiled, and those will be considered for a variety of ASB interventions (Community Protection Warning/Community Protection Notice/Criminal Behaviour Order)
    • Town Centre Team NPT officers will be working closely with North Somerset CCTV room and dealing with any offences recorded, but not attended by police, retrospectively
  • 25 June 2024

    Local Neighbourhood Policing Team, supported by Weston patrol teams, work tirelessly to tackle the issues and dealt with offenders robustly.

    Actions include but are not limited to:

    • Attending the incidents and making arrests
    • Working with North Somerset CCTV control room to monitor the area and identify those involved, if officers are unable to attend or parties involved flee the scene prior to their arrival
    • Conducting high-visibility patrols
    • Issuing section 35 dispersal notices to those involved behaving in a manner likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress
    • Seizing alcohol and reporting drinkers for breaching a Public Space Protection Order
    • Gathering evidence and working with Anti Social Behaviour Team to tackle persistent offenders through the use of ASB powers (Community Protection Warnings/Notices; Criminal Behaviour Orders; ASB Injunctions)
    • Working with partner agencies in the background on a long term solution, the root cause and the aftermath of street drinking, homelessness and youth related ASB/criminality
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