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You are here: Home » Your area » Taunton West » Priorities » Domestic and Business Burglaries

Domestic and Business Burglaries

Over the last few weeks we have seen an spate in burglaries of homes and businesses, in the west Somerset area.

In response our local teams are carrying out both high visibility as well as plain clothes patrols, targeting individuals that continue to target local businesses, whilst working with these businesses to try and detect, deter and prevent further crime.

We are also advising residents to check that their home and outbuildings (Sheds, Garages) are secure, by taking simple precautions, such as locking windows and doors when you go out, even if just stepping next door or out in the garden.

Investigations into these burglaries are ongoing, but we would like to remind the public that if you have witnessed anything or have information that you think could be of help, please make sure you call us on 101 or CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111.

You can also find further information and advice on home security and many other subject via our website: Crime prevention advice | Avon and Somerset Police.

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