Parking Concerns, Brooks Road, Street
Recent concerns have been raised by local residents and a local bus company in relation to poor parking, which is causing obstructions, in and around the Brooks Road area of Street.
The Police will be paying passing patrols in this area and will deal with any obstructions that we come across robustly.
Somerset County Council Traffic Wardens, also known as Civil Enforcement Officers, have also been requested to attend the area when they can.
It is worth noting that vehicles which are parked on double yellow/ single yellow lines/ keep clear zig zags are now enforced by the Somerset County Council Civil Traffic Wardens, who have the responsibility of enforcing all on street parking matters, so members of the public can report directly to them any concerns they have by the following contact details, which can be found directly from the Somerset County Council website.
Tel: 01823 219035 or E-mail: