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Vehicle Thefts, Mendip area

Neighbourhood Policing Teams, including response officers to pay passing high visibility  pro-active patrols in and around the Street and Glastonbury area, especially during the hours of darkness, in relation to keyless entry and car key thefts.

This is a nationwide issue but sadly, Walton has been targeted recently, as well as other towns and villages on the Mendips by organised crime groups.

Owners of keyless entry cars are reminded to make sure that they secure the vehicle at all times and to keep all keys, including the spare key away from any front doors or windows and to keep them out of sight and/ or place into a faraday bag or something similar, such as a old biscuit tin, to prevent criminals from picking up the radio signal from the car keys.

Home owners are encouraged to report any suspicious activity to Police, at the time it is happening on 999,  so that officers can be dispatched to the area to carry out an area tour and deal with any offences found appropriately.

Please make sure that any CCTV is in good working order and that security lighting continues to operate correctly.



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