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Vehicle Crime

Lock doors, windows, the boot and sunroof every time you leave your car, even for short periods.

  • Don’t leave bags, coats or change on display. The cost of replacing a broken window is often far more than the value of goods stolen. If you can, take your things with you. If you can’t, lock everything out of sight in the boot.
  • Never leave driving documents or personal letters inside your car. They could help a thief to sell your car or provide a cover story if stopped by the police.
  • Don’t leave satnavs on display when you’re not in your car.
  • Never set your address in your satnav for your start or return journeys, use an area near to your home you know – If your keys are stolen a criminal may use your satnav setting to direct them to your home.
  • Keep valuables out of sight while you re driving and consider keeping the doors locked.
  • Take the ignition key out even when the car is parked in your drive or garage and always set the immobiliser. If you don’t have an immobiliser, consider having one fitted
  • Always keep your car keys in a safe place at home, away from windows and doors and preferably in a locked cupboard or cabinet.
  • Leaving your glovebox open when you’re not with the car will show there is nothing of value in it.
  • Register all valuable items, such as mobile phones and satnavs at www.immobillse.com

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