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Anti-Social Behaviour and Criminal Damage

We have been receiving frequent reports concerning persons riding motorcycles in anti social manner and in many cases illegally. Whether this be through riding on pavements and bridleways or in some instances riding an illegal or stolen motorcycle. The team are actively gathering intel concerning this criminality and ask that any sightings of motorcycles being driven in an anti social or illegal way be called in, to help us pinpoint locations, dates and times in order to identify those responsible and take action against them.


We are actively patrolling the local areas with the focus of gathering intel which is contributing greatly and would appreciate any reports of this activity from the public – even if made online to us – we rely on information such as date, time and place with as much detail and description of the offenders as possible.


  • 3 April 2024

    We have been receiving frequent reports concerning youths riding motorcycles in anti social manner and in many cases illegally. Whether this be through riding on pavements and bridleways or in some instances riding an illegal or stolen motorcycle. The team are actively gathering intel concerning this criminality and ask that any sightings of motorcycles being driven in an anti social or illegal way be called in, to help us pinpoint locations, dates and times in order to identify those responsible and take action against them.

  • 23 January 2024

    We have recently seen a reduction in criminal damage to vehicles after positive information was obtained concerning the individuals involved. We are continuing with our targeted patrols but would encourage any further information or CCTV footage be called in on 101. If a crime is in process, please call 999 immediately.

  • 26 May 2022

    Your local neighbourhood policing team are still actively patrolling Sea Mills, including the ASB hot spots.  We are actively engaging with youths in the area in a positive manner and dealing with anti social behaviour when we get calls.

  • 13 April 2022

    With the Easter Break upon us, we will be continuing to conduct active patrols of the Sea Mills and Stoke Bishop area.

    Please can I remind residents to call in any incidents of Anti Social Behaviour to ensure we are aware of these incidents and take appropriate action.

  • 1 December 2021

    We are still getting calls in and around the Sea Mills area regarding youths causing ASB.

    your local neighbourhood team have been able to identify a few of these youths and are working together with our ASB team to prevent further offences occurring.

    We would encourage anyone who has been effected by ASB to call the police on 999 if the incident is in progress or 101 to report an incident which has happened in the past.  Reporting such incidents allows us to build a pattern of behaviour and in response we are able to target our patrols around ASB hotspots.

  • 2 September 2021

    Calls regarding ASB in the Sea Mills area have reduced.  We are still getting a few calls regarding youths in Stoke Lodge playing fields and therefore would encourage calls to be made if you are a victim of ASB in this area.

  • 1 June 2021

    Calls regarding these youths have dramatically reduced in recent months, however, we the police are still monitoring the situation and the youths involved.

    I would encourage residents to call any incidents of ASB in for our awareness.

  • 25 January 2021

    We are continuing to conduct high visibility patrols in the area and would encourage residents to call in any incidents regarding the youths in the area.

  • 15 January 2021

    A number of youths have been identified from speaking to partners.  From this we have been visiting the youths at their home address in company with their parents to make them aware of their children’s behaviour.

    From this Anti-Social Behaviour letters have been sent out to these children.

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