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School Engagements – Midsomer Norton.

The Neighbourhood Team are prioritising getting into our schools, connecting with staff and students there and providing support where they require it. Besides responding to calls for us to resolve specific incidents around our schools, we are getting our Neighbourhood Officers into schools in a proactive way via school talks and specific lessons such as ‘Crime and Consequences’ and ‘Internet Safety’.


  • 6 December 2024

    School patrols remain an ongoing priority for the Neighbourhood Team. School visits continue where commitments allow. These may be reduced due to fewer resources.

  • 12 September 2024

    Mini police sessions have ended and no new sessions will be commencing on this neighbourhood area for the foreseeable.

    Our schools will remain a priority for the team, we will continue patrols at appropriate times and endeavour to assist with any inputs requested as best we can fit into our workload.

  • 9 June 2024

    Continued Mini Police sessions have been delivered at St john’s Primary by the Midsomer Norton PCSOs.

    Also, a visit to Welton Primary to the after school club about the emergency services role has been completed this month.

    Patrols were completed around Somervale School and Norton Hill School during the students celebrating their last days before their exams.

    Regular patrols of all our schools has continued this month at drop off and pick up times and no issues have arisen.


  • 3 May 2024

    Regular patrols of all our schools has continued this month at drop off and pick up times and no issues have arisen or been noted.

    St John’s Primary continues to receive bi-weekly visits for Mini Police sessions by the Midsomer Norton PCSOs.

    The local PCSOs have been in contact with school staff and various school visits have been arranged and completed.

  • 17 March 2024

    Engagement with all our schools has continued this month.

    The team have been regularly patrolling outside Longvernal School, Midsomer Primary, St John’s Primary, Welton Primary and Somervale Secondary at drop off and pick up times.

    St John’s Primary continues to receive bi-weekly visits for Mini Police sessions by the Midsomer Norton PCSOs.

    Our schools have received visits and contact where required.

    No significant issues have been encountered by the Midsomer Norton Team in this time, engagements have continued to be very positive.

  • 18 February 2024

    The Midsomer Norton Team have continued engagements with our schools up to the half term break.

    Longvernal School, Midsomer Primary, St John’s Primary, Welton Primary and Somervale Secondary have continued having regular patrols at drop off and pick up times by the Midsomer Norton Team.

    St John’s Primary continues to receive bi-weekly visits for Mini Police sessions by the Midsomer Norton PCSOs.

    Regular contact has been maintained with Welton Primary with regards to school inputs by the Midsomer Norton PCSOs.

    No significant issues have been encountered by the Midsomer Norton Team in this time, engagements have continued to be very positive.

  • 21 January 2024

    The Midsomer Norton Team have continued to show a priority presence at Longvernal School, St John’s School, Midsomer Primary, Welton Primary and Somervale Secondary School at drop off and collection times.

    Some patrols have been specifically arranged to individual schools relating to specific issues. This will continue.

    No significant issues have been encountered by the Midsomer Norton Team in this time, engagements have been very positive.

  • 26 November 2023

    The Neighbourhood Team’s engagement in our schools remains a top priority and Midsomer PCSOs have continued to be present in all of our schools on a regular basis.

    Longvernal School has been receiving increased patrols around school drop off and pick up times.

    St John’s School’s Mini Police has commenced for this year with a class of 12 Mini Police Officers completing bi-weekly sessions with the Midsomer Norton PCSOs.

    Regular communication and visits to Welton Primary School have continued.

    Midsomer Primary continues to get school drop off and pick up patrols from the local PCSOs.

    Patrols at the request of Somervale Secondary School at specific times have been maintained.

    Alongside this, the local PCSOs have been visiting nurseries/pre-schools to talk to the little ones about the police and their safety.

  • 11 October 2023

    The Neighbourhood Team for Midsomer Norton have continued to regularly patrol the secondary and primary schools in Midsomer Norton at the start and end of the school day to give reassurance and to engage with the students and parents. The team have also been regularly visiting many of the schools to speak to staff to keep good lines of communication between local police and schools regarding any issues. This work will continue as a regular priority.

  • 3 September 2023

    The Neighbourhood Team are preparing inputs ready for the new school year and will be prioritising getting into their schools to engage with the students.

  • 3 August 2023

    This priority will remain ready for September and the return of pupils to school. With the new school year each PCSO is committed to their assigned schools and will be looking to get in to them to deliver police inputs over the the next school year.

  • 22 June 2023

    This will remain a priority for our Neighbourhood Team. Each PCSO on the area continues to arrange and attend various events, inputs and visits at their designated schools. PCSOs also try to monitor any issues outside their schools at drop off and collection times as and where possible.

  • 9 March 2023

    Engagement with our schools continues as a priority.

    The Neighbourhood Team have continued to regularly attend St John’s School, Midsomer Norton for Mini Police through term time.

    The local PCSO also regularly attends Longvernal School to coach football as part of an engagement project.

    Midsomer Norton schools have been offered the Neighbourhood Team’s attendance for planned lessons by their local PCSOs and we are still more than happy to attend any of our schools to do this.

    School patrols continue at commuting times as a priority.

  • 19 January 2023

    Engagement with our schools remains a ongoing priority and the Neighbourhood Team continue to patrol their schools at commuting times as well as attending for various school talks as well as regularly for Mini Police and other regular school projects.

  • 21 October 2022

    Priority to our schools on the Radstock/Midsomer Norton/Westfield areas continues.

    We complete regular patrols around school drop off and collection times and continue to attend for various classroom inputs.

    The Neighbourhood Team has recently initiated a Mini Police Scheme in one of our primary schools.

    Engagement with all of our primary and secondary schools will continue to be an ongoing priority.

  • 18 March 2022

    The Neighbourhood Team have attended Midsomer Primary School to deliver a ‘Crime and Consequences’ and ‘Internet Safety’ lesson to Years 5 and 6.

    The Neighbourhood Team have then attended a talk with Year 3 and 4 at Midsomer Primary and introduced themselves to Reception and Nursery.

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