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Drug Use and Dealing in Open Spaces/Parks in Midsomer Norton.

Drug use and dealing in open spaces and parks in Midsomer Norton has been of concern to the public for some time now and will now be pushed as a priority for the Neighbourhood Team. Patrols in key and reported locations by the Neighbourhood Team will continue and increase on the Neighbourhood Area.


  • 6 December 2024

    Intelligence continues to be gathered and developed along with the assistance of members of the community. There is nothing more to report on this priority.

    This will remain a priority and we encourage members of our community to continue passing us vital information about drugs offences in the Midsomer Norton area via the mentioned routes or via 101 and the police website, or alternately via our Beat Surgeries at Essence Café or Costa Coffee (please see the events page of this website for details).

  • 12 September 2024

    Some new locations have come through our intelligence from patrolling the beat regarding drug dealing. These areas of intelligence are being investigated and being developed to lead to future actions.

    We, again, encourage members of our community to continue passing us vital information about drugs offences in the Midsomer Norton area via the mentioned routes or via 101 and the police website, or alternately via our Beat Surgeries at Essence Café or Costa Coffee (please see the events page of this website for details).

  • 9 June 2024

    This priority will continue.

    We, again, encourage members of our community to continue passing us vital information about drugs offences in the Midsomer Norton area via the mentioned routes or via 101 and the police website, or alternately via our Beat Surgeries at Essence Café or Costa Coffee (please see the events page of this website for details).

  • 3 May 2024

    Individual work is continually being completed in relation to this priority by the Neighbourhood Team and Intelligence department.

    Patrols continue across our area guided by the intelligence provided by members of the public.

    We encourage members of our community to continue passing us vital information about drugs offences in the Midsomer Norton area via the mentioned routes or via 101 and the police website.

  • 17 March 2024

    We encourage members of our community to continue passing us vital information about drugs offences in the Midsomer Norton area via the mentioned routes or via 101 and the police website.

    Patrols continue across our area.

  • 18 February 2024

    The Midsomer Norton Team continue to gather vital intelligence from a combination of our regular Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries, daily high visibility patrols and good relations with various individuals within our community.

    Successful actions from the information gathered have been, and will continue to be, updated on to the police social media platforms.

    We encourage members of our community to continue passing us vital information about drugs offences in the Midsomer Norton area via the mentioned routes or via 101 and the police website.

  • 21 January 2024

    We encourage members of our community to continue passing us vital information about drugs offences in the Midsomer Norton area via the mentioned routes or via 101 and the police website.

    The Midsomer Norton Team will continue to gather vital intelligence from a combination of our regular Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries, daily high visibility patrols and good relations with various individuals within our community and feed this into our systems and act on when evidence is sufficient.

    Please keep an eye on our social media pages for updates regarding positive outcomes in relation to this.

  • 26 November 2023

    The Midsomer Norton Team continue to gather vital intelligence from a combination of our regular Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries, daily high visibility patrols and good relations with various individuals within our community. We continue to feed this information into our systems to build clearer pictures of offences and offenders and build evidence to lead to positive action. Positive outcomes have been, and will continue to be, published on our social media pages.

    We encourage members of our community to continue passing us vital information about drugs offences in the Midsomer Norton area via the mentioned routes or via 101 and the police website.

  • 15 October 2023

    The Midsomer Norton Team are continuing to prioritise their duty of high visibility foot patrol in and around town, which in turn is gathering intelligence on this priority area. PCSOs are regularly interacting with people on the street in Midsomer Norton and feeding all intelligence back into our systems which ultimately leads to further police action around suspects or properties highlighted.

    We will continue to do this and again encourage members of the public to report any drug activity to the police. This can be done from speaking to us whilst on patrol, visiting us at our Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries or via the website or 101 non-emergency number.

  • 3 September 2023

    This continues to be one of the main priorities for the Neighbourhood Team. PCSOs continue to gather information from their patrols of their beats and we continue to encourage members of the public to report any drug activity to the police. This can be done from speaking to us whilst on patrol, visiting us at our Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries or via the website or 101 non-emergency number.

  • 3 August 2023

    This priority continues to be an issue where work from the Neighbourhood Team is routinely being carried out in the background. The team continue to input any intelligence gathered from regular Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries and contacts with have in our community to develop evidence for future actions where appropriate.

    Again, we encourage members of the community to continue given the police any information relating to drug use and dealing in our community via the website, the 101 telephone number, by attending Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries (please see the ‘events’ page for details), or by speaking to us whilst we are on foot patrol.

  • 23 June 2023

    This priority remains. The Neighbourhood Team have been, and will continue to, gather and submit intelligence in relation to this across Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield to build evidence for any further actions taken against suspects. The team encourages members of the community to report suspicious activity via the website, via telephone on the 101 number or directly to PCSOs on patrol or at our local Neighbourhood Policing Surgeries.

  • 9 March 2023

    Key intelligence is continually being gathered by the Neighbourhood Team on this issue. This intelligence, gathered through interaction with the public and through officers patrols and sightings, has lead to some actions around warrants made on addresses and  searches of identified individuals.

    This work will continue as a priority on our policing areas.

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