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Pensford and Chew Valley

Recently updated priorities

Team members

  • Portrait of Jon Nash

    Jon Nash

    Neighbourhood Inspector

  • Portrait of Rob Turner

    Rob Turner

    Neighbourhood Sergeant

  • Portrait of Ross Cudd

    Ross Cudd

    Neighbourhood Constable

  • Portrait of Martyn  Bragg

    Martyn Bragg


    School Link Officer for:
    Chew Magna Primary, Chew Stoke Primary, Chew Valley School

  • Portrait of Sarah  Hewlett

    Sarah Hewlett


    School Link Officer for:
    Bishop Sutton Primary, Pensford Primary, Ubley Primary, Stanton Drew Primary

Local information

Monthly crime statistics

It can take up to 30 days for the previous month's statistics to be available.

Contact the team

Do not use this contact form to report a crime. You can report a crime online or call 101 (for non-emergencies) or 999 (for emergencies).

NPT Contact

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