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Driving offences around Corn Street

Over the past few months we have seen an increase in driving offences in the Corn Street, Clare Street and Small Street areas in Bristol City Centre. By engaging with local businesses located in the area, the feedback we received was that mainly delivery drivers operating mopeds were ignoring traffic signs and contravening local traffic orders. Over the next few months you will see us in and around the location completing traffic operations to deter further offences taking place.


  • 18 June 2024

    On Tuesday 18th June 2024 Police Officers, Police Community Support Officers and Immigration Officers completed a joint operation in the area. During the operation one male was arrested for Immigration Offences and was reported for multiple driving offences.

  • 20 May 2024

    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers completed high-visibility patrols in this area this evening. During our patrols we engaged positively with a number of moped riders in the area and issued one Traffic Offence Report for a number of offences.

  • 16 May 2024

    This afternoon, Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers completed high-visibility patrols engaging with residents, visitors and business owners. During this time two Traffic Offence reports were issued to riders of mopeds.

  • 12 May 2024

    On the evening of Sunday 12 May 2024, Police Officers completed foot patrols in the area of Corn Street and issued one Traffic Offence Report to a driver of a moped.

  • 11 May 2024

    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers completed patrols around the Baldwin Street and Corn Street area and issued a driver of a moped a Section 59 Warning and a Traffic Offence Report for committing offences.

    Later on in the evening, following information that Traffic Offences were being committed in both the Wapping Wharf and Cotham areas of Bristol, both Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers have attended both locations and issued one Traffic Offence Report for multiple offences and one Section 59 warning.

  • 10 May 2024

    Tonight Police Community Support Officers have been completing foot patrols around Corn Street and while completing these patrols have issued three Section 59 warnings to riders of mopeds committing Road Traffic Offences.

  • 30 April 2024

    Today Police Community Support Officers issued three Section 59 warnings to riders of mopeds on Corn Street.

  • 28 April 2024

    Today Police Community Support Officers and Police Officers from the Old City Docks Neighbourhood Policing Team issued two Section 59 warnings and also seized one vehicle for driving with no insurance.

  • 24 April 2024

    Police Officers from the Old City Docks Policing Team issued one Traffic Offence Report this evening to a rider of a moped who committed a road traffic offence.

  • 23 April 2024

    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers from The Bridewell completed a short 30-minute operation this evening in the Corn Street area and seized one motorbike for having no insurance and issued four Traffic Offence Reports for driving in a pedestrianised area.

    The rider of the seized motorbike as also reported for multiple other Road Traffic Offences.

  • 11 April 2024

    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers conducted vehicle checks in the Old City Docks area this evening. During our patrols we encountered a moped rider who rode their moped over Gaol Ferry Bridge, narrowly avoiding members of the public.

    The moped rider was found to have no valid insurance. Therefore, was issued with a Traffic Offence Report for multiple offences and a Section 59 warning. The moped was seized for having no insurance.

  • 10 April 2024

    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers from both the Old City Docks and Clifton Neighbourhood Policing Teams issued five Traffic Offence Reports and three Section 59 warnings to both drivers of mopeds and a taxi driver for committing road traffic offences on Corn Street.

    We were kindly supported by Portuguese-speaking David from the Clifton team, who assisted with educating and engaging with a number of the Portuguese speaking drivers we encountered.

  • 9 April 2024

    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers from the Old City Docks team issued one Traffic Offence Report and one Section 59 warning to a driver of a moped who committed a number of road traffic offences on Corn Street.

  • 3 April 2024

    On Wednesday 3 April 2024, officers and PCSOs issued one Traffic Offence Report and one Section 59 warning to moped drivers on Corn Street.

  • 2 April 2024

    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers completed a operation at lunchtime today and issued three Traffic Offence Reports and three Section 59 warnings to moped drivers causing driving offences in the Corn Street area.

  • 27 March 2024

    Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers completed patrols of the Corn Street and St. Stephens Street area of Bristol and issued three Traffic Offence Reports and three Section 59 warnings to riders of mopeds who were contravening the traffic order which is in place.

    Speaking with local businesses in the area they state that the decrease in moped use in the area is enhancing their customers’ experience and welcome the positive action taken by Police.

  • 26 March 2024

    On the evening of Tuesday 26 March 2024, officers have carried out foot patrols in the area and issued one Traffic Offence Report to a moped driver. There is a clear decrease in moped use in the area, however, we will continue to do patrols in the area ensuring there is not an increase in traffic offences in the area.

  • 25 March 2024

    On Monday 25 March 2024, Neighbourhood Policing Team officers carried out patrols in the area and issued 5 Traffic Offence Reports for the offence of driving in a pedestrianised area.

  • 27 February 2024

    On the evening of Tuesday 27 February, officers completed an operation in the area which resulted in 11 Traffic Offence Reports being issues to a mixture of taxi drivers and moped riders. In addition to this, one vehicle was seized for having no insurance and one arrest was made.

  • 26 February 2024

    On the evening of Monday 26 February, officers issued a total of 16 Traffic Offence Reports to drivers of mopeds.

  • 8 February 2024

    This week, the team issued a total of 15 Traffic Offence Reports to drivers of mopeds.

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