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Shoplifting at Eastgate Retail Park

Shoplifting at Eastgate Retail Park is becoming more of an occurrence and not only affects the retailers themselves but can also affect other members of the community who are shopping or working when it occurs.

We are increasing our efforts to target the most prolific offenders causing harm to area.

We are working hard with retailers to increase reporting of thefts to get a better understanding of the levels of shop thefts committed.

We are also conducting high visibility patrols in the area and will be holding talk to us events at the location where possible.



  • 11 January 2025

    We are aware that the build up to Christmas and New Year is a prime time where shops and businesses are targeted for shoplifting.

    During the months of November and December the local policing team carried out various engagement and pro active initiatives such as:

    • 16th November 2024: Local NPT held a Talk to Us event where retailers and members of the public were engaged with.
    • 21st November 2024: Neighbourhood officers responded to a 999 call from Boots whereby two individuals had shoplifted. With the help of response colleagues the offenders were apprehended and stock returned. Both individuals were wanted on recall to prison and one was found in possession of illicit drugs.
    • 24th December 2024: A proactive operation was carried out by NPT. A number of stop searches were conducted, high visibility patrols and intelligence gathered.

    The local policing team will continue to tackle and prevent these crimes from taking place. If you a see a shoplifting incident in progress please call 999.

  • 10 January 2025

    The local policing team are continuing to work with stores affected by shop theft in the Eastgate Retail Park and surrounding areas.

    Patrols are continuing and we are looking to take action against those responsible where possible.

    Several wanted suspects have been arrested and identified as responsible multiple shoplifts within the area reducing the amount of thefts within the area.

    We encourage stores and members of the public who witness shop lifting to report these incidents to the police.

  • 1 February 2024

    During the month of January a persistent shoplifter to the area was arrested after being detained by security staff.  The investigation is ongoing with enquiries being completed.

    Patrols are also still being conducted in the local area, so if you see us, come and have a chat!



  • 31 December 2023

    A Talk To Us/ Bike Register Event was held at Eastgate on New Years Eve. We offered crime prevention advice, registered a number of bicycles and patrolled the local area to deter any shoplifters.

    Whilst at the Eastgate location, a persistent shoplifter who offends at the retail park was arrested.

    The local NPT will be continuing to patrol the location so if you see us out and about, please say hello!

  • 5 December 2023

    The local neighbourhood policing team are continuing to work with the stores and management at Eastgate Retail Park to tackle this ongoing issue.

    Patrols are also still being conducted in the local area, so if you see us, come and have a chat!

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