Begging and Busking in the town centre
There are always complaints coming in from members of the public about busking and begging in the High Street in Glastonbury. Busking is not a criminal offence but can be quite tedious to some of the shop keepers when the entertainer does not move from the area for hours and is repetitive. The town council and members of the businesses have come together to create a ‘Code of Conduct’ which is given to anyone performing, this is just a request to move along after an hour and to not play at an acceptable volume. Although it is not enforceable the whole town are promoting it. If you require a copy of the ‘Busking Code of Conduct’ then please pop into the Town Council offices or ask a local PCSO or PC.
Begging is a criminal offence, and if anyone is seen to be begging they will initially be given a warning and signposted to the local charities that provide food and clothing. If the begging is persistent and causing a nuisance then the individual could end up getting arrested.