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Fly tipping

Fly tipping is still prevalent in the lanes surrounding Frome. Regular patrols both during the day and after dusk are carried out. We encourage anyone who is hiring private waste disposal for garden or building waste, to check the contractor has a waste carriers license. Do your bit to prevent your waste ending up on your lanes. If your contractor can not show you a waste carriers license and is offering waste removal please report them to trading standards and the Police on 101.

Where practically possible lock and block your gates and field entrances. Logs, boulders and ditches can all help prevent access to the fields.


  • 3 May 2024

    Fly-tipping is a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment. It is a threat to health, wildlife and Somerset’s landscape and environment, as well as a cost to tax payers.

    Somerset Council is responsible for dealing with fly-tipping on public land. Tackling fly-tipping on private land is the responsibility of the landowner.

    Actions can include warning letters, fixed penalty notices and prosecutions. Convicted fly-tippers can face fines of up to £50,000 in magistrates’ court and unlimited fines in higher courts.

  • 3 January 2024

    Fly-tipping is a crime punishable by fine or imprisonment. It is a threat to health, wildlife and Somerset’s landscape and environment, as well as a cost to tax payers.

    Somerset Council is responsible for dealing with fly-tipping on public land. Tackling fly-tipping on private land is the responsibility of the landowner.

    Actions can include warning letters, fixed penalty notices and prosecutions. Convicted fly-tippers can face fines of up to £50,000 in magistrates’ court and unlimited fines in higher courts.

    We can all help fight fly-tipping and help catch offenders.

    Every individual and business has a duty of care over their waste, to ensure waste is disposed of properly, even after it has left their home or premises.

    Simple steps

    • Never fly-tip yourself
    • Never pay cash
    • Check that any waste carrier has the right licence and ask them where the waste will go
    • Get a proper receipt and a copy of the “waste transfer note”
    • Record names, contact details and vehicle information
    • Take particular care in using social media to get waste removed

    If you know about those who fly-tip, inform Somerset Council immediately.

    If you see fly-tipping take no risks. Do not touch anything fly-tipped or approach fly-tippers, but when it is safe, please contact Somerset Council with details, such as:

    • Amount fly-tipped and possible contents from a visual check only
    • Location, time and date
    • Whether in or near water
    • Information about those who may be responsible, such as vehicle type, colour and registration number

    Waste carrier licences

    If you or your business pay someone to take your waste away – whether by man-with-a-van or a tradesperson – it is important to check if they have a waste carrier’s licence, and to ask where your waste will go.

    You can check they are registered as a ‘waste carrier, broker or dealer’ with the Environment Agency online or phone 03708 506 506.

    Get in touch if you witness any fly-tipping by ringing the police on 101 or online

  • 1 September 2023

    We encourage anyone who sees suspicious activity either the dumping of waste or the ignition of fly-tips to call the emergency services on 999 0r 101 non emergency.

    All reports of suspicious activity however small will aid us in our investigations and ability to prevent fly-tipping occurring into the future.

  • 22 June 2023

    I attended Mole Valley Farmers in Standerwick with my colleague, where we had a bicycle marking event.  We introduced ourselves to villagers and exchanged details. The day was a huge success.

  • 18 April 2023

    Frome Rural NPT have had to attend a recent fly-tip fire. The fire service was on call to assist in the extinguishing of the fire.

    We encourage anyone who sees suspicious activity either the dumping of waste or the ignition of fly-tips to call the emergency services on 999 0r 101 non emergency.

    All reports of suspicious activity however small will aid us in our investigations and ability to prevent fly-tipping occurring into the future.

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