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Community Speedwatch

Speeding within Frome continues to be a priority. Frome Neighbourhood Team are regularly meeting with Community Speed Watch Schemes to assist with conducting high-visibility speeding checks throughout the villages around Frome. The aim is to deter speeding through the residential areas and to educate repeat offenders.

The Neighbourhood Team work closely with the Community Speed Watch groups who conduct regular speeding checks in their community.

How Community Speed Watch works:

A Community Speed Watch can be set up in any village, small town, or urban area, governed by either a 20, 30 or 40 miles per hour speed limit.

A team of local residents who are willing to volunteer a small amount of time each week are trained and issued with speed detection equipment to monitor speeds.

Vehicles observed speeding will be sent a warning letter along with advice to help change their driving behaviour.

Further action will be taken by the police against persistent and high end speed offenders as well as targeting individual locations.

Join Community Speed Watch:

To find out if there is a Community Speed Watch Scheme in your area, or request to set one up, email CommunitySpeedWatch@avonandsomerset.police.uk.


  • 27 February 2025

    There are several villages across Frome Rural South that have a 20, 30 or 40 miles per hour speed limit. The signs are a good reminder to drivers to comply with these limits but alone will not always act as a deterrent.

    Community Speedwatch can make a difference and the presence of the Speedwatch Volunteers will enable motorists to see that driving speeds are being monitored.

    Vehicles observed speeding will be sent a warning letter along with advice to help change their driving behaviour. Further action will be taken by the police against persistent and high-end speed offenders as well as targeting individual locations.

    To find out if there is a Community Speedwatch Scheme in your area, or request to set one up, email CommunitySpeedWatch@avonandsomerset.police.uk.


  • 12 February 2025

    The Frome neighbourhood PCSO’s have conducted several visits to individuals who have been seen repeatedly speeding by Community Speed Watch Schemes and have received multiple Community Speed Watch letters. The aim of these visits are to deliver key road safety messages to road users to assist with coping strategies and create safe behavioural driving habits.

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