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Street drinking and associated ASB

We are aware of issues regarding anti-social behaviour caused by street drinkers in Broadmead. These issues can occur throughout the day, but tend to be more prevalent in the early evenings and around the supermarket areas.


  • 16 February 2024

    we are continuing to utilize our asb powers to tackle those who are continuing to street drink and cause ASB.


    we have recent seen a number of Criminal behaviour orders granted to prohibit the most prolific offenders from entering the area

  • 28 October 2023

    We are using a ASB powers to target the most prolific offenders who cause the most issues in the area. This includes CPW/CPN (community protection warnings / Notices), Civil injunctions and CBOs (Criminal behaviour orders).

  • 4 April 2022
    • Increased patrols in early evening
    • Working alongside the council to apply for a no drinking zone
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