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Violent Crime

The local neighbourhood team are working to reduce violent crime.

Our aim is to conduct hi-visibility patrols at hotspot locations. In addition to this, we are working closely with our Violence Reduction Unit and alongside other agencies to help put a stop to this ongoing issue within the community.


  • 16 January 2022

    The neighbourhood policing team work closely with our response colleagues to deal with violent crime and support victims. NPT officers have recently been conducting hi-visibility patrols to tackle knife crime, alongside conducting stop-searches and making arrests to help prevent crime. We are also working with other agencies outside the police that can try and help reduce crime in general



  • 27 August 2021

    The neighbourhood policing team work closely with our response colleagues to deal with violent crime and support victims. NPT officers have recently been conducting hi-visibility patrols to tackle knife crime, alongside conducting stop-searches and making arrests.

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