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Tackling Shoplifting in the City Centre


We understand the impact that shoplifting is having on businesses in the City Centre. 


We are working with shops to help them report accurately and effectively, targeting our most prolific offenders.

We are conducting proactive patrols in hotspot areas, and around stores most effected by shoplifters.

We host a monthly Retailers Security Meeting alongside Bath BID. At this meeting we help stores identify regular shoplifters, and bring their attention to any new offenders and offending trends.


  • 12 June 2024


    In the last week the Bath City Centre Team have issued a prolific shoplifter with a Community Protection Warning with specific conditions around shop theft.

    The support of the shops and businesses affected by offenders like these is crucial to our effort in tackling shoplifting. If you are being affected by frequent theft please get in touch with us.


  • 24 April 2024


    Since the launch of DISC we have seen many City Centre businesses take to the platform and begin sharing information with us and each other, targeting the shoplifters that are targeting them.

    Bath BID have begun to issue Exclusion Notices to repeat offenders, and we continue to work with our ASB Team to issue Community Protection Warnings and Notices, and Criminal Behaviour Orders to the most prolific offenders.

  • 1 March 2024


    Update: Launch of DISC Security System in Bath

    ‘DISC’, a new security app has launched in Bath, linking together businesses, BID marshals and the Neighbourhood Policing Team enabling us to share information and intelligence, and allows instant alerts to be sent out to users.

    Read More: www.bathbid.co.uk/bath-bid-launches-the-disc-system/

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