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Mobile speed camera enforcement schedules

Avon and Somerset’s Road Safety and Road Policing teams are committed to targeting road users who pose the greatest risk to others on the roads.

We have an emphasis on the offences collectively known as the ‘Fatal Five’:

  1. Excess speed
  2. Failure to wear a seatbelt
  3. Driver distraction, such as using a mobile phone at the wheel
  4. Drink and drug driving
  5. Careless driving

Road users who commit one of those offences are significantly more likely to be involved in a fatal collision than those who do not.

Through education and enforcement, we are working to raise awareness of the Fatal Five and encourage behaviour change in a bid to prevent serious injury and fatal collisions on our roads.

As part of this enforcement activity, mobile speed enforcement units currently operate at more than 1,000 sites across the force area. A full list of these sites can be found on our speed camera areas page.

Site activity is now prioritised by examining and responding to speed and collision data, including intelligence received from communities, rather than according to a weekly schedule.

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