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Report a stolen vehicle

If your motor vehicle has been taken without your permission, the first thing you should do is report it to the police.

You can report stolen vehicles which are either:

  • registered with the DVLA for road use, typically cars, motorbikes or vans
  • classed as off-road vehicles, such as scramble bike, e-scooters or mini motos

When reporting a stolen vehicle, make sure you can provide the vehicle’s:

  • number plate (if road registered)
  • make and model
  • colour

Witnessing a vehicle break-in

Call 999 if you see someone attempting to break into a vehicle.

Report a stolen vehicle

To report this incident anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or fill in their online form.

Once we have received the report, we will:

  • provide a crime reference number – this will be requested by insurance companies
  • notify the DVLA about the theft or if we recover the vehicle

Recovered vehicles

When the vehicle is found, it will be recovered. The recovery garage will contact the registered keeper by letter to let them know they have the vehicle.

There will be a recovery cost to retrieve the vehicle and insurance companies usually cover this.

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