Leave site


  1. Vehicles and roads

    1. Abandoned vehicle
    2. Anti-social driving or riding
    3. Child or animal locked in a vehicle
    4. Collision or incident on the road
    5. Community speeding concern
    6. Cycling related incidents
    7. Debris on the road
    8. Drink and drug driving
    9. E-scooter incident
    10. Illegal use of a public right of way
    11. Near miss on the road
    12. Parking issues
    13. Stolen vehicles
    14. Vehicle cloning
    15. Vehicle without tax, insurance or an MOT
  2. Stolen, lost and found

    1. Burglary
    2. Fuel theft
    3. Lost and found property
    4. Stolen bike
    5. Stolen vehicles
    6. Shoplifting
    7. Theft and stolen property
  3. Concern for welfare

    1. Assault
    2. Domestic abuse
    3. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
    4. Harassment and stalking
    5. Hate crime
    6. Honour based abuse or violence
    7. Inappropriate police relationships
    8. Knives and weapons
    9. Modern slavery
    10. Missing people
    11. Rape and sexual assault
    12. StreetSafe - report feeling unsafe
    13. Terrorism and suspicious activity
    14. Threats
  4. Community issues

    1. Anti-social behaviour
    2. Begging
    3. Fireworks
    4. Fly-tipping and fly-posting
    5. Graffiti
    6. Littering
    7. Noise complaints
    8. Parking issues
    9. Prostitution
    10. Public disorder
    11. StreetSafe - report feeling unsafe
    12. Terrorism and suspicious activity
    13. Taking photos in a public place
    14. Unauthorised encampments
  5. Property and money

    1. Bailiffs
    2. Burglary
    3. Criminal damage and arson
    4. Fraud
    5. Graffiti
    6. Lost and found property
    7. Shoplifting
    8. Stolen bike
    9. Theft
    10. Weapons and knives
  6. Drink and drugs

    1. County lines and cuckooing
    2. Discarded syringes
    3. Drink driving
    4. Drug driving
    5. Drug dealing, growing or use
    6. Drink and drug spiking
    7. Drunken behaviour
    8. Underage drinking
  7. Children and young people

    1. Child abuse
    2. Child custody disputes
    3. Child locked in a vehicle
    4. Child sexual exploitation (CSE)
    5. Missing children
    6. Incidents at a school or college
  8. Animals

    1. Animal abuse
    2. Animal locked in a vehicle
    3. Dogs
    4. Horses
    5. Wildlife crime
  9. Online crime

    1. Cybercrime
    2. Online bullying and threatening messages
    3. Online fraud
    4. Online terrorist material
    5. Sextortion (online blackmail)