Witnesses sought following assault in Bristol

We are appealing for witnesses to an assault on the Portway, in Bristol, last month.
At around 7.30am on Thursday 20 February, the victim was walking under the M5 bridge in Shirehampton when a purple people carrier-style car pulled up alongside him and the driver got out and attacked him.
The victim, in his late 20s, was punched, kicked and threatened with a knife. Thankfully, he did not require hospital treatment but is understandably shaken from the incident.
The suspect is described as white, approximately 5ft 9ins tall, with short hair.
This is a popular commuting time so we are appealing for any motorists or passersby who may have witnessed the incident to get in touch.
If you saw anything, have dashcam footage, or any other information which could aid our enquiries, please call us.
If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5225044963, or complete our online appeals form.