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CCTV image released in hate crime investigation – Bristol

The man in the image is described as white, about 5ft 8ins to 5ft 10ins, with short brown hair and a short beard. He was wearing a green top, jeans and white trainers.

We’re issuing a CCTV image of a man we want to identify in connection with a hate crime investigation in Bristol.

Officers were called to attend the Revolution bar in St Nicholas’ Street at about 11pm on Friday 28 February, after two men and a woman, all in their twenties, were targeted by a group of men.

One of the offenders used racist language against the two men during the incident. 

We’ve carried out enquiries, including a review of available CCTV, and we want to identify the man in this image. Although the image is not as clear as we would like, we’re hoping someone will know who he is. He’s described as white, about 5ft 8ins to 5ft 10ins, with short brown hair and a short beard. He was wearing a green top, jeans and white trainers. He was also seen smoking a vape.​

Investigating officer PC Connor Groome said: “This was a horrible incident in which the victims were subjected to repeated and disgusting racial slurs. We take hate crime extremely seriously and want to stress that this despicable form of behaviour will never be tolerated.”

If you know this man, or have any other information which could help, please contact us.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5225053155, or complete our online appeals form.