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Somerset burglar jailed for more than three years

Custody image of Layton Dufeu
Layton Dufeu

A burglar has been jailed for three-and-a-half years after breaking into homes in Taunton, Bridgwater and North Petherton.

Layton Dufeu, 30, pleaded guilty to burglaries at three addresses between 29 July and 12 August this year.

He also admitted one charge of possession of cannabis after being found with a quantity of the class B drug when arrested on 19 August.

Dufeu, of Ivors Way in North Petherton, was jailed at Taunton Crown Court on Friday 20 September.

PC Brennan Brown said: “The impact on victims of dwelling burglaries can be hugely significant, not only in terms of the financial or sentimental loss that can be incurred, but also it can cause people to feel unsafe in their own home.

“The local team dedicated to targeting burglary offenders has worked hard in this investigation for them, and the wider community, to quickly identify Layton Dufeu, gathering sufficient evidence that has led to his conviction.

“We welcome the significant prison sentence and hope it shows the robust way we will seek to target burglary offenders.”