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Officer dismissed after gross misconduct ruling

An officer has been dismissed without notice and barred from policing after a misconduct hearing heard she failed to investigate two incidents of assault.

A panel, led by an independent Legally Qualified Chair, concluded today that gross misconduct had been proven against PC Rose Wilson following this week’s hearing.

It heard that while attending an address in Bristol in July 2022 following a dispute between neighbours, she was dismissive and rude towards a victim and failed to correctly record the alleged assault.

PC Wilson also failed to investigate the incident by not attempting to view CCTV footage which may have recorded it and did not upload body-worn video footage of her attendance, despite requests from a supervisor.

While responding to the second incident, which took place in September 2022 in Bristol, PC Wilson recorded that the victim of an assault had not wished to make a complaint when they had stated that they wanted it to be investigated.

T/Superintendent Sharon Baker, head of the Professional Standards Department, said: “PC Wilson’s behaviour was completely unacceptable. She failed to uphold the standards we expect from all our officers and staff.

“Her failure to correctly record details of these incidents and the way she treated members of the public shows she is unfit for policing and it’s right that she will never be able to serve in law enforcement again.

“We are committed to upholding our standards which are fundamental requirements for police officers. Where they aren’t met, as happened in this instance, we will take action.”

The full outcome of this hearing will be added to the misconduct section of our website when it is available.