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Two men jailed for Bristol violent disorder

Bradley McCarthy and Craig Timbrell

Two men have been jailed for a combined four years and two months for taking part in the violent disorder in Bristol on Saturday 3 August.

Craig Timbrell and Bradley McCarthy both earlier pleaded guilty to violent disorder and were sentenced at Bristol Crown Court today (20 August).

They are the seventh and eighth people to be jailed for taking part in the disorder, with prison sentences totalling almost 18 years having now been handed out.

Craig Timbrell, 38, of Hartcliffe, Bristol, was part of a large group of people that had gathered at Redcliffe Way Roundabout. The court was shown footage of him throwing concrete bricks and a glass bottle towards police officers.

His Honour Judge Lambert described his behaviour as “aggressive” and “disgusting” and handed him a 30-month prison sentence.

Footage of Craig Timbrell

Bradley McCarthy, 34, of Knowle, Bristol, was at the front of a group or protesters in Castle Park where he threatened counter protesters and was racially abusive.

Despite being told to leave, he continued his behaviour, shouting at police officers and in the face of police dogs.

He was jailed for 20 months after His Honour Judge Lambert said he had been part of a “violent mob” in Castle Park which was “violent, threatening and used racially aggravated language targeting asylum seeker and refugees”.

Footage of Bradley McCarthy – the video has been muted due to the nature of the language used

Detective Chief Inspector Clement Goodwin said: “These two men played a key role in encouraging shocking abuse towards police officers and members of the public and the wider violent disorder we saw on 3 August.

“They were part of a group which used or threatened violence and caused others to fear for their safety and are now starting prison sentences as a result.

“We have consistently said we would pursue those responsible for the disgraceful behaviour we saw that day and this work continues.

“Thirty people have now been arrested with 17 of those having been charged. Eight people have now been given prison sentences.”