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Man jailed for domestic abuse assaults

Custody image of Ashley Jeanes
Ashley Jeanes

*** Please note the following story contains descriptions of domestic abuse that some people may find distressing and triggering ***

“I think the biggest thing for me, that broke my heart, was constantly hearing my mum tell me she was waiting for a phone call from the police, saying I’d been murdered.”

These words were used by the woman, who we’ve agreed not to specifically name at her request, to describe the physical abuse and controlling behaviour by her husband, who was yesterday jailed for his crimes.

Ashley Jeanes, between March 2019 and January 2020, assaulted and injured her on multiple occasions in Taunton.

She reported the abuse to police and following an extensive investigation, the 29-year-old was sentenced to three years and one month at Taunton Crown Court yesterday (Thursday 25 July).

Jeanes pleaded guilty to one count of controlling and coercive behaviour and three counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

The court was told two of the charges related to Jeanes attacking her with a baseball bat and a broom. On another occasion, Jeanes submerged her head under the water and she feared she was going to be drowned.

She sustained bruising during the attacks and a cut to her forehead, which resulted in a permanent scar.

The abuse has had a significant impact on her mental wellbeing, and she finds it difficult to trust anybody now.

Officer in the case, DC Jessica Bennett, said: “It is hard to put into words the horrific ordeal she endured over a significant period of time at the hands of a man who wanted to control her life.

“She showed incredible strength last year to report to us what had happened. Quite simply, without that, Ashley Jeanes would not find himself in prison and she deserves enormous credit for that.

“Jeanes’ brutal assaults and controlling behaviour didn’t just make her life a misery, it made her actually fear for her life.

“To the world Jeanes presented himself as a loving husband; but now everyone knows the monstrous truth of what a violent man he really is.

“Although she preferred for us not to use her full name, she wanted to share her story to make sure people knew what the real Ashley Jeanes was like, and we hope it provides anyone who is a victim of domestic assault with the confidence to tell us what has happened.

“We work closely with other agencies so we can help keep victims of domestic abuse safe. We will investigate all reports to try to bring the perpetrator to justice because them, and only them, are responsible for domestic abuse happening.

“But if any victim does not feel in a position to contact the police, please report it to Next Link or the National Domestic Abuse Helpline who will be able to provide you with support initially and advice.”

If you need support or are concerned about someone else, please contact:

For more information on how to spot or report domestic abuse and information on the process, visit: Report domestic abuse | Avon and Somerset Police