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Join the Race Matters Scrutiny and Advisory Board

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We are recruiting people to join our Independent Scrutiny and Advisory Board, to oversee our Race Matters work.

Board members will advise on and scrutinise our work to ensure that voices of Black and racially minoritised communities are heard and valued and we are held accountable for delivering anti-racist policing in Avon and Somerset.

All Board members will receive induction training and will be required to attend bi-monthly meetings. Members will be paid for their attendance.

We are open to applications and particularly welcome applicants from Black and racially minoritised communities. We would be grateful if you could share this advert widely in your networks.

Full details are contained in the role profile. To apply, please request an expression of interest form from racematters@avonandsomerset.police.uk and return it to us by email to the same address.

Deadline for applications: 31st August 2024

Eligibility panel discussion (Subject to change): W/C 16th September 2024.

If you would like more information about the role and the Board, please register to join one of our information events by emailing racematters@avonandsomerset.police.uk and we will send over available dates / times.