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Woman jailed for supplying Class A drugs at football match

A custody image of the face of a white woman with medium-length light brown hair stood against a light grey background

A 52-year-old woman has been handed a two-and-a-half-year custodial sentence and an eight-year football banning order after pleading guilty to supplying Class A drugs at a football match last year.

Claire Brooks, of Sheldrake Drive, Stapleton, was arrested at Bristol Rovers’ Memorial Stadium in Filton Avenue, Horfield in April 2023.

A quantity of white powder was found when she was searched before a subsequent search of her home uncovered evidence of her involvement in the supply of Class A drugs.

Brooks appeared at Bristol Magistrates’ Court on 24 August 2023 and pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs and possession with intent to supply Class A and C drugs.

She was sentenced to 30 months in prison at Bristol Crown Court on Tuesday 11 June and was also given an eight-year Football Banning Order.

Dedicated football officer PC Mark Neal said: “Drugs are a blight on our communities and have no place in our society, including at football.

“I would like to thank Bristol Rovers for their support and co-operation during this investigation.

“The custodial sentence is one that reflects the seriousness of her offending, and the recent change in legislation in relation to possession or supply of Class A Drugs such as cocaine allows a football banning order to be issued.

“We work closely with our clubs to make sure our football matches are a safe environment for all and I would encourage people to report suspicious behaviour to us.”

If you suspect someone is using or dealing drugs, you can report it by calling 101 or online at https://www.avonandsomerset.police.uk/report/drug-dealing-and-use/.