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Key witnesses sought following burglary in Bridgwater

Police officer in uniform speaking to a motorist of another vehicle with the police car in the foreground

We are appealing for two witnesses to aid our enquiries into a burglary in Bridgwater.

Last Wednesday (29 May), two unknown men broke into the Cornhill Indoor Market around 12.25am.

One of the men was wearing dark clothing while the other was wearing a high-vis jacket.

Officers are especially keen to speak to a man and women who interrupted the burglary at around 12.35am and challenged them. The two suspect made off with jewellery, watches and cash.

The male witness was wearing cream trousers and a brown jacket and was carrying a pizza box.

If you have any information or were the two people who interrupted the suspects, please call us.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5224137117, or complete our online appeals form.