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Teenager sentenced for motorbike theft in Clifton

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A teenager has been sentenced for stealing a motorbike in Bristol, which was recovered by officers within an hour of the crime being reported.

A 17-year-old boy, who cannot be named for legal reasons as they are not an adult, stole a black Yamaha motorbike that had been locked up in Clifton Triangle on 7 September.

The crime was reported to us shortly after 2.15pm that afternoon and had been recovered in Fishponds within an hour.

Black motorbike parked in a small bricked up area outside

Officer in the case PC Joshua Millward said: “Swift action by officers meant we were quickly able to find the stolen vehicle and recover it for the owner thanks to a tracking app.

“We were able to hand the bike back to him that same day, which is a really pleasing result.

“The investigation was led by the team carrying out proactive action targeting crime and antisocial behaviour in Bristol involving motorbikes, mopeds and e-bikes. CCTV was collected and showed the offender riding it away from the scene.

“We were able to carry out sufficient enquiries to identify the offender and bring him before the courts this week.”

The teenager pleaded guilty to theft of a motorcycle, driving without insurance, driving whilst otherwise in accordance with a licence, and breaching a criminal behaviour order.

He was sentenced by magistrates in Bristol on Wednesday 10 April and received a 12-month youth rehabilitation order, which includes 60 hours’ unpaid work. He must pay £750 compensation and his driving record was endorsed with six penalty points.