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Outstanding Policing Awards 2024

A gold crest with the words Outstanding Policing Awards 2024 and icons of the values of caring, courageous, learning and inclusive

Last night, Tuesday 12 March, we celebrated the commitment and dedication of our police officers, staff, special constables and volunteers at our 2024 Outstanding Policing Awards.

Colleagues from across the Avon and Somerset policing area gathered at the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery to recognise the difference made by the nominees across a range of categories. The event was funded through sponsorship.

“Immensely proud”

Chief Constable, Sarah Crew said: “Tuesday shone a light on the lengths to which officers, staff and our volunteers have gone to make a positive change to those around them every day.

“Behind every award is an individual or team who has made a remarkable difference. We heard stories of compassion that have touched lives, tales of innovation that have transformed processes, and throughout all a journey of dedication that has left a lasting impact on policing and the communities we serve.

“Every success in our force is thanks to our people and it was fantastic to have so many colleagues join us at the event. I feel immensely proud to be Chief Constable of a service filled with such exceptional individuals.”

“Unwavering commitment”

Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford said: “In every success, there lies a story of determination, dedication, compassion, and innovation. The Outstanding Policing Awards gives us the opportunity to celebrate and thank the extraordinary individuals and teams who tirelessly work to make a positive impact on our communities.

“I commend their exceptional efforts and unwavering commitment to service. These awards are a much-deserved recognition of their achievements. Well done to all those who won and who were nominated.”

Award winners

Representing Our Values – Caring – Inspector Rachel Clark, Neighbourhood and Partnerships, South Somerset

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner Inspector Rachel Clark and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
Left to right: Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner Inspector Rachel Clark and Chief Constable Sarah Crew

Rachel’s role covers five police stations and dozens of officers and staff.
She consistently puts others first, ensuring the welfare of her colleagues as well as making time for victims of crime and the communities she serves.
Outside work she gives up her free time to help others, raising thousands for a local cancer charity over the past 11 years and delivering food and support to those in need on Christmas Day.

Representing Our Values – Learning – Investigating Officer Nicholas Crocker, Professional Standards Department (PSD)

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner Nic Crocker and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
Nic Crocker

Nic has been an investigator in PSD for the past eight years and has become an ambassador for learning within the department – a role he relishes.
Nic isn’t afraid to reflect on his own work. His willingness to consider change and implement new processes has helped to shape a culture where team members are comfortable coming forward to share their experiences and reflect on how things are done.

Representing Our Values – Inclusive – Inspector Jen Appleford, Chief Constable’s Staff Office

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, Inspector Jen Appleford and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
Inspector Jen Appleford

Jen works as the staff officer to the Deputy Chief Constable, but on top of this has worked to help Avon and Somerset become more inclusive.
Within a tight budget Jen has led and motivated a wider working group to create the Race Matters training programme being rolled out to frontline response and neighbourhood officers. The programme brings in speakers with lived experience to help to break down barriers, driving culture change.

Representing Our Values – Courageous – Police Constable Bryony Trueman, Response

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner PC Bryony Trueman and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
PC Bryony Trueman

Bryony has played a huge part in addressing and encouraging conversations around sexist and inappropriate behaviour, helping to make Avon and Somerset a safer place to work, after experiencing sexual harassment while on her Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) training.
She supported an internal “This is NOT who we are” campaign, allowing words from her personal victim statement to be used and challenging colleagues.
Bryony also featured in a Channel 4 documentary about misconduct in policing, and has gone on to become a police officer.

Representing Our Values – Innovation – Sergeant Roseanna Green – Neighbourhood and Partnerships, East Somerset

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner Sergeant Roseanna Green and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
Sergeant Roseanna Green

Roseanna is a real champion of our work tackling and raising awareness of violence against women and girls, implementing a “Walk and Talk” initiative which has now gone force-wide.
The scheme invites adult women to walk with female officers to point out any areas where they feel unsafe and discuss their concerns. It’s a fantastic way of building relationships, and a better understand of the problems our communities face day-to-day. Feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.

Special Recognition for Collective Excellence in Action

This commends the excellent leadership, teamwork and actions of those involved in resolving a dangerous incident in Norton Fitzwarren, bringing a successful prosecution and keeping the community informed. It happened on 10 September 2023, after officers responded to a woman in fear for her safety and a man drove a truck into police vehicles and other property and made threats with a chainsaw.

It is awarded to:

  • Taunton Response Team Two
  • Operational Support Team
  • Roads Policing Unit
  • Taunton Neighbourhood Policing Team
  • Armed Response Vehicles Team
  • CID South Teams Two and Three
  • Lighthouse victim and witness care team
  • Corporate Communications News Team

Outstanding Leadership – Inspector Ricki Lippiatt, Response

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner Inspector Ricki Lippiatt and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
Inspector Ricki Lippiatt

Ricki leads from the front, for example locating a stolen motorbike while solo-crewed, detaining a suspect and, despite being injured, remaining on duty to ensure the investigation progressed.
His proactive approach disrupting criminals inspires his colleagues and he promotes a happy and positive team through caring and supportive leadership.

Citizen in Policing – Special Chief Inspector George Uppington, Tactical Support Team

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner Special Chief Inspector George Uppington and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
Special Chief Inspector George Uppington

George is a real inspiration to both his special constabulary and regular officer colleagues. Alongside a full-time job he’s spent the past 10 years giving up his time, unpaid, to support policing.
He’s often crewed with newer police officers while his experience means colleagues seek him out for advice. He works hard, helps his colleagues and serves the public, all with a smile.

Police Staff Member of the Year – Senior News Officer Sam Malone, Corporate Communications

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner Sam Malone and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
Sam Malone

Sam takes time to listen to and support his team while putting victims at the heart of everything he does.
He’s not afraid to challenge and encourages the team to do the same. He’s been responsible for some major cases and projects, including supporting a victim of non-recent sexual assault as she waived her anonymity to give an inspiring interview about her experiences, contacting her daily to reassure her.

Police Officer of the Year – Taxi Compliance Officer Patrick Quinton, Neighbourhood and Partnerships, Bristol and South Gloucestershire

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winner PC Patrick Quinton and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
PC Patrick Quinton

Patrick is a nationally-respected authority on taxi-related matters, working hard to promote the work of taxi compliance while also fostering better relations between the police and taxi drivers.
As a “Taxi Cop” he has a unique role and has quickly become invaluable both to police colleagues and the council licensing teams.

Team of the Year – High Harm Drugs Market Intelligence Team, Operational Support

Award compere Alex Lovell, Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Shelford, award winners from the High Harm Drug Market Intelligence Team and Chief Constable Sarah Crew
The High Harm Drug Market Intelligence Team

The team was created just 18 months ago to tackle the criminal exploitation of children by drug dealers.
They have developed innovative practices and their evidence is so compelling that in almost all their cases the offenders have no choice but to plead guilty.
This small group of specialist support staff often voluntarily work extra hours to provide the evidence which will ensure dangerous criminals are charged, serving and protecting the most vulnerable in our communities.

Lifetime Achievement Award

The ceremony ended with seven winners being recognised for their significant contribution to policing. They all have more than 25 years’ service and collectively have given more than 250 years to policing. They chose not to have publicity.