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Man jailed for 21 years for sex offences

A “dangerous and manipulative” man from Felton has been jailed for 21 years for sex offences committed against women, girls and boys.

Grant Wedlake, 32, of no fixed address, was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court on Friday (1 March) having been found guilty in January of 12 offences, including sexual assault of a child under 13, rape of a child under 13 and rape.

In statements read out in court, Wedlake’s victims said his offending, which dated back to 2005, had left them feeling ashamed and had had a long-term impact on them.

One said: “Now that Grant has been found guilty, I don’t really know how I feel.

“Part of me feels bad about Grant going to prison but at the same time he did something that was so wrong it was unspeakable and made me feel guilty and ashamed and sent my life off track.

“I hope that one day he will realise the effect he has had and feel bad about it himself, because at the moment I don’t think he does.”

Another of his victims said: “I feel like I should hate Grant for what he did to me and how he treated me and the effects that has had on not just me but my family and friends too. I find his lack of remorse particularly upsetting.

“My main feeling towards him is one of sadness and I would like to say this to him: It is sad that you have chosen this path in life – to hurt, to manipulate and to intimidate. It’s sad but you now have time and opportunity to change things, learn about yourself and to use this time to educate yourself about the effect someone like you has on their victims, family, friends and community.

“For me, every day is a step along the road to recovery. Moving forward I hope to be able to start to enjoy my life again.

“While hopefully you take responsibility for the wrong you have done and making the changes you need to make, I’ve got the entirety of my life to focus on my career, my family, my friends and my relationships – and most importantly, I can focus on getting back to being me.”

A third victim said: “I lived with the secret of what Grant had done to me. Grant had made me feel that no one would believe me.

“Now that Grant has been found guilty, whilst I feel relieved in a way, the feelings of shame, guilt and anger are still there and I don’t think I will ever get rid of them.

“I am so angry that Grant has done this to me. He not only ruined my childhood, he has basically ruined my entire life.

“I will never forgive Grant for what he did to me”.

Investigating officer Ellen Rye said: “Wedlake is a dangerous and manipulative man and I would like to take the opportunity again to praise the victims in this case for coming forward and sharing their experiences with the court.

“I know that his offending has had a profound impact on each of them and I hope that they can move forward, re-build their lives and finally take the opportunity to focus on themselves.

“I would urge anyone who is a victim of sexual assault or rape, recent or non-recent to talk to us – we will listen.”

If you are a victim of sexual assault or rape, recent or non-recent, you can also self-refer to The Bridge, a Sexual Assault Referral Centre available 24/7, 365 days a year. Visit their website at www.thebridgecanhelp.org.uk or call 0117 342 6999.

You can also visit www.thisisnotanexcuse.org.uk for details of charities and organisations who are experts in supporting victims.