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Man charged with drug offences in Glastonbury

Black graphic with words saying charged and a icon of a courthouse

A man from Glastonbury has appeared in court charged with drug offences after officers carried out a positive stop and search.

Abdul Kadir, 39, of Boughton Road, Glastonbury appeared at Yeovil Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday 6 March charged with three counts of possession with intent to supply a class A drug (heroin, cocaine and crack cocaine), possession with intent to supply a class B drug (cannabis), possession of criminal property, and possession of an offensive weapon in a private place.

Kadir was remanded in custody, and will appear at Taunton Crown Court on Friday 5 April.

Kadir was arrested on Tuesday 5 March after a positive stop and search in Glastonbury.

We are appealing to the public to tell us what they know about drug dealing happening in our communities so we can continue to bring those responsible to justice.
