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Image released in burglary and hate crime investigation – Bristol

Image released of a man we want to identify. He’s described as white, in his fifties, black hair but partially bald, around 5ft 8ins, and he was wearing a grey hooded top with a black bomber jacket over it, grey jeans, white trainers, and a black and white hat.

We want to identify the man in this image in connection with an incident in which two men were racially abused and a houseboat was broken into in Bristol.

The incident happened at about 6.45pm on Wednesday 3 January, in the Floating Harbour area, close to Temple Way.

A man broke into a boat and stole items from within, before being challenged by the occupant. Two security workers came to the boat owner’s aid and the man assaulted and racially abused them. They did not require any hospital treatment as a result.

We want to identify the man in this image. He’s described as white, in his fifties, black hair but partially bald, around 5ft 8ins, and he was wearing a grey hooded top with a black bomber jacket over it, grey jeans, white trainers, and a black and white hat.

If you recognise this man, or have any information which could help us, please contact us.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5224002369, or complete our online appeals form.