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Flat subjected to closure order after antisocial behaviour and drug use reported by public

Three police officers in uniform in front of the flat that has been made subject of the closure order.

Reports of drug use, antisocial behaviour and concerns around public safety have been used by police to successfully apply for a closure order against a property in Bristol.

Magistrates granted the three-month order against the residential property, in Chatterton House, Redcliffe, on Tuesday 5 March.

Extensive efforts to support the tenant had been made between police and Bristol City Council, who owns the property, but the impact of the community proved so great that a decision was made to seek a closure order.

The tenant agreed to an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) in November 2022, following reports of criminality and the use of drugs at the address. The conditions included a requirement to have no more than two visitors at the property at any one time, and was made in agreement between the tenant, police and local authority.

However, issues connected to the address continued. A new ABC with stricter conditions, including allowing only one visitor, were agreed in June 2023, but evidence was obtained by police that this was breached on multiple occasions, even in the week after it was signed.

Bristol Magistrates Court was this week presented with a bundle of evidence and testimonies explaining why a closure order was required.

Antisocial Behaviour Co-ordinator Paul Crouch said: “Residents and visitors have expressed their concern and distress at what has been happening at that property for some time, including fighting, drug dealing and antisocial behaviour. The issues have escalated to such an extent they expressed they didn’t feel safe in some communal areas.

“That is clearly unacceptable and why we have worked in partnership with the council to seek intervention from the courts to protect the community.

“We will continue to work collaboratively with other agencies and organisations to provide support to the tenant, but hope this order will make a real difference to others living in Chatterton House.”

Want to report antisocial behaviour in Avon and Somerset? More details can be found by following the link.