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Jail sentence extended after pre-trial burglary

A man who was jailed for three years in November for burglary offences has had a further six months added to his sentence for a burglary in Pitney committed the night before his trial.

Stefan Ayres, 49, of HMP Exeter, forced entry to a home and stole a large quantity of tools on Monday 2 October.

Ayres was identified as being responsible through CCTV footage while his trial, which was being held that week for burglaries in Taunton and Axminster in 2022, was still ongoing.

Following the trial, at which he was found guilty, he was remanded into custody ahead of receiving a three-year prison sentence the following month.

On Thursday 25 January he received a further six months to his sentence after pleading guilty to the Pitney burglary.

Officer in the case, PC Jim Card, said: “Burglary is a serious offence which can have a significant impact on its victims.

“We are committed to bringing those responsible to court and I’m pleased that this additional sentence has been handed down.”

You can report a burglary by calling 101, or 999 if it is in progress, or online at: Report burglary | Avon and Somerset Police.