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Teenager remanded after murder charge – Bath

Black graphic with words saying charged and a icon of a courthouse

A teenager is due in court following the death of a man in the Southgate Street area of Bath in the early hours of Saturday 6 May.

A 15-year-old male, from south London, has been remanded to appear before magistrates in Bristol today (Monday 8 May).

He has been charged with murder of 18-year-old Ben Moncrieff and possession of a bladed article.

Ben’s family have been updated of the charging decision and will continue to be supported by specially-trained officers.

It is extremely important there should be no reporting, commentary or sharing of information online which could in any way prejudice these proceedings.


We would like to remind the public juvenile defendants are automatically legally entitled to anonymity and it is an offence to publicly name them while reporting restrictions are in place.