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Police speak to people on streets in Glastonbury as murder investigation continues

PCSO Jacob Tailby and PCSO Will Mortimer were out in Glastonbury speaking to the public.
There are 4 related updates to this story

Detectives investigating the death of an 89-year-old man in Glastonbury last weekend have issued an update as enquiries into what happened continue.

Frederick Burge was sadly found deceased at his home in George Street at around 12.30pm on Sunday 26 February.

Two men have so far been arrested as part of our investigation. Both have today been released without charge.

Officers are this weekend speaking with members of the public and handing out witness appeal leaflets in the Market Cross area to seek further witnesses.

PCSO Gary Maule, PCSO Will Mortimer, PCSO Jacob Tailby and PCSO Shelley Day with leaflets they handed out to the public about Frederick Burge's death
PCSOs Gary Maule, Will Mortimer, Jacob Tailby and Shelley Day.
  • Were you in the George Street area of Glastonbury on the weekend of 25-26 February?
    • Did you see or speak with Frederick over that weekend?
    • Did you see or hear anything suspicious in the area around this time?

    Detective Inspector Neil Meade, of the Major Crime Investigation Team, said: “Frederick was last seen seven days ago, on Saturday 25 February, at around 8.10am walking his Jack Russell dog along Northload Street and High Street.

    “We’re keen to hear from anyone that recalls seeing him after that point, or was in the George Street area last weekend and saw anything out of the ordinary. What may have seemed inconsequential at the time, could be significant to our investigation, so please come forward and let us know.”

    DI Meade added: “We continue to provide support to Mr Burge’s family and update them on the latest developments with our investigation.

    “They are understandably devastated by the events of recent days and we continue to work day and night to get answers for them about what happened.”

    A Major Incident Public Portal has been created to enable people to upload information via our website. Details can also be provided by calling 101 and quoting reference number 5223050314.

    You can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their Anonymous Online Form.

    No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court or have to speak to police when contacting Crimestoppers.