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Update in missing Freddy inquiry

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The family of missing Somerset teenager, Freddy, have been informed human remains have been found.

A member of the public located the remains near Steart Marshes yesterday (Monday 30 January).

While formal identification has not yet taken place, detectives leading the search for Freddy, 17, believe they are his.

Freddy went missing from the family home in Stolford on Tuesday 20 September.

More than 100 police officers and staff were involved in the search to find him and were supported by partner agencies including His Majesty’s Coastguard, the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, BARB Search and Rescue, Exmoor Search and Rescue, Avon and Somerset Search and Rescue and the Search and Rescue Dog Association.

Detective Inspector Claire Millington said: “This is not the news we wanted to deliver to Freddy’s family and our thoughts are very much with them at this difficult time.

“We’d like to thank the public for all their calls and help with our appeals as we continued to hope he would be found safe.

“We’d also like to thank all our partners for their support in the search.

“While the cause of death is unexplained pending a port-mortem examination, we do not believe it to be suspicious.

“We will continue to provide Freddy’s family with support as we carry out enquiries on behalf of the coroner.”