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Arrest made after incidents in south Bristol


A man has been arrested following reports of a person entering properties in south Bristol this morning (Sunday 21 August) and we are appealing for witnesses to the incidents to come forward.

The first two calls were made between 6.20-6.40am in Hartcliffe. On both occasions the man was disturbed, but we’ve received reports of attempted sexual assault before he fled the scene.

A third member of the public called the police regarding an intruder at 9.15am in nearby Mowcroft Road. The description of the offender provided to police was similar to the suspect from the earlier incidents. However, the man again fled the scene once disturbed.

Officers were dispatched to the scenes to search for the man and they were supported by the NPAS helicopter.

Detective Chief Inspector James Francomb said: “A man was arrested this morning at a bus stop in Bristol city centre in connection with these matters. He is currently in custody awaiting interview.

“Understandably these incidents have caused significant distress and upset to the victims. We will ensure they receive any support they need going forward.

“Enquiries, including house-to-house and CCTV, are underway.

“Additional reassurance patrols will be carried out by officers and the community can expect to see an increased police presence during the course of our investigation too.”

Anyone who witnessed these incidents, or saw a man acting suspiciously in the area this morning, should please call 101 and quote reference number 5222201197.