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Appeal launched after man racially abused in supermarket car park

Stock image of a male and female police officer on patrol in a park area with trees.
Police appeal

Officers are urging members of the public who witnessed a man being racially abused in a supermarket car park to come forward.

On Tuesday 2 August at around 5.30pm, an unknown man approached the victim who was sat in his car at the Sainsburys car park in Wessex Fields, Frome, and started making racial comments.

The suspect then climbed into his own vehicle, parked near the victim’s stationary vehicle, and continued to racially abuse him.

The victim described the man as white, around 5ft 9ins tall, of large build with brown hair with a receding hairline.. The suspect was wearing dark jeans, green-brown t-shirt and was clean-shaven. He was driving a dark-coloured 4×4-style vehicle.

If you witnessed the incident or have any information which could aid the investigation, please contact us.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222184885, or complete our online appeals form.