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Appeal after boat stolen from garden in Downend

Image of light grey RIB boat on water
Image of stolen boat

We’re appealing for information after a grey RIB boat was stolen from a garden in Downend.

The boat was taken from a hard standing area within a property in Westerleigh Road between 9.30pm on Wednesday 29 June, and 11am the following day.

A car was broken into and moved by the offender(s) to gain access to the boat, which is light grey with a faded red (more orange in colour) band around it. It’s a Kuter Valiant V-400, with a 40hp two-stroke Mariner engine (serial number 6E9S017043. It’s on a purpose made original silver/grey trailer with an electronic lighting/registration board – reg WF60 XVA.

We’ve carried out a trawl of CCTV in the area as part of our enquiries.

If you’ve seen this boat, or have any information about this burglary, please call us on 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222155329.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222155329, or complete our online appeals form.