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Witness appeal after man injured – Vassall Road, Bristol

Generic image of police car in the dark

We’re seeking witnesses and any dashcam or other footage after a man was injured in Vassall Road, Bristol, at about 11pm on Tuesday 19 July.

Witnesses describe a car apparently deliberately being driven towards the man, 19, who was riding an electric scooter on the road at the time. The driver of the car – described as a red Skoda – failed to stop.

The victim went to hospital for treatment to serious injuries. Thankfully they are not believed to be life-threatening.

We’ve carried out house-to-house enquiries as part of our ongoing investigation.

If you were on Vassall Road and saw the incident – or the vehicle in the moments before or afterwards – please get in touch.

We also want to hear from you if you have any dashcam, CCTV, doorbell or other footage which could help the investigation.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222172210, or complete our online appeals form.

You can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their Anonymous Online Form.

No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court or have to speak to police when contacting Crimestoppers.