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CCTV appeal after quadbike theft

Image of stolen Polaris quadbike

We are issuing a CCTV image of two men we want to identify as part of our continuing investigation into the theft of a quadbike in Yeovil.

The green quadbike, with registration LJ16 HLY, was stolen in Preston Road at approximately 3.15am on Saturday 21 May.

Temporary Police Sergeant Daniel Crawford said: “Vehicle crime can cause a significant loss and inconvenience to the owners.

“This incident was a brazen act of theft in the early hours of the morning where thieves spent a considerable time outside of the victim’s property working out how to steal the vehicle.

“We appreciate the CCTV image is not of great quality but we hope someone may recall seeing these men who we want to talk to as part of our enquiries.”

Anyone who recognises them, or witnessed people acting suspiciously in that area when the quadbike was stolen, should call 101 and give reference number 5222120485.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222120485, or complete our online appeals form.