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Appeal to identify potential witness in serious sexual assault inquiry

Blurry CCTV image of woman in shorts and sleeveless shirt scratching her arm
We're keen to identify this potential witness

We’re releasing a CCTV image of woman we think could be a witness in a serious sexual assault inquiry and who we need the public’s help to identify.

We believe the woman may have seen the offender and spoken with the victim prior to her being assaulted.

The image was taken at the Tesco service station on Eastgate Road on Friday, 23 July last year.

The victim of the assault continues to be provided access to specialist support and is being kept informed with the progress of our investigation.

Detective Inspector Alan Smith said: “We’ve been keen to progress other lines of enquiry prior to releasing this image to the public.

“We’re now at the point in our investigation where we need help identifying this woman, who is someone we believe could potentially be a key witness.”

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5221166740, or complete our online appeals form.