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Assault on motorist under investigation

A confrontation between two motorists at traffic lights in Weston-super-Mare this week resulted in an assault.

The incident happened at about 1.50pm on Tuesday 5 April on the A371 Locking Moor Road. The victim sounded his car horn as he was unhappy with the driver of a 12-plate van who he felt had cut him up.

When both vehicles stopped a little further on at a set of temporary traffic lights near the Helicopter Museum, the suspect got out and punched the victim in the face. The victim sustained facial bruising.

The suspect is described as white, male, 40-50 years old, bald and having a ginger beard. He was wearing a brown top, black trousers and sunglasses.

Anyone who witnessed what happened should call 101 and give reference number 5222080457.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222080457, or complete our online appeals form.