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New image released as part of renewed high value theft appeal

Screenshot of a mobile phone screen showing unknown male and female
Can you help us identify this woman and man?
There is 1 related update to this story

We’re releasing another image as part of a renewed appeal for information to help with our investigation into a high value theft.

Last week, we issued a CCTV image of two men we wanted to speak to about the theft of more than £14,000 worth of camera equipment from a store on Station Road, Montpelier, Bristol.

Now, we’re releasing an image from a phone found at the scene of a separate theft in Milton Keynes.

Officers believe the two offences are linked.

We’re keen to speak to the man in the newly released image about the Montpelier theft which took place on Saturday, 5 February.

We’d also like to speak to the woman pictured to see if she can help us identify the man.

If you recognise either the man or the woman in the screengrab, or the other man in the original CCTV image released, please get in touch.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222029701, or complete our online appeals form.

You can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their Anonymous Online Form.

No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court or have to speak to police when contacting Crimestoppers.