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CCTV appeal: Rogue trading incident in Ashton, Bristol

Police need your help to identify two men pictured in CCTV as part of an investigation into a rogue trading incident.

On Thursday 11 November 2021 at around 11.25am, a man in his 70s living in the Ashton area of Bristol answered the door to two men who offered to carry out garden clearance work, quoting him £2700.

After he agreed to the quote, he was accompanied by the men to a bank in Bedminster to withdraw the funds.

The men then carried out garden work to a poor standard.

The following day the men returned and demanded a further £3000 from the victim to complete the work. They once again accompanied him to the bank and waited outside.

Bank staff raised concerns that something wasn’t right and contacted police. However, the offenders left the area before they could be identified.

Enquiries are ongoing and the victim is being offered safeguarding support.

Do you recognise the men shown in CCTV? If you can help, call 101, quoting reference 5221257394.

Male 1
Male 1
Male 2
Male 2

Following this incident, residents are encouraged to take note of the following crime prevention advice, particularly regarding being alert to rogue traders and distraction burglaries:

• Never open the door to an unexpected caller until you’ve checked their identification – use a door chain or viewer, intercom or a ‘smart’ doorbell. Genuine callers expect it.
• If you’re not sure, don’t open the door.
• Never agree to have work done or part with money on your doorstep and ideally get written quotes from at least two traders for any work. Always agree a start and finish date and agree a price before any work starts on your home.
• If you are suspicious of a caller tell us straight away – ring 999 if you feel threatened or intimidated, otherwise call 101.
• Store any high value items such as jewellery, passports and cash in a properly secured and hidden safe or bank vault.
• Keep windows and doors secured if you’re not in the room and never keep large sums of money in the house.
• If you see someone calling door-to-door, but only on frail or elderly neighbours, call 999 straight away.
• Ask a trusted neighbour to help you deal with unexpected callers.
• Look out for vulnerable and elderly neighbours and make sure they know what to do when they receive an unexpected caller.
• Join Neighbourhood Watch.
• If you think you’ve been deceived, are concerned about a trader or have any doubts call 101 or Citizens Advice Consumer Services. More details here: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/


If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5221257394, or complete our online appeals form.

You can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their Anonymous Online Form.

No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court or have to speak to police when contacting Crimestoppers.