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Dog owner threatened during public order incident in Taunton

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We’re appealing for witnesses to a public order incident in which a threat of violence was made to a dog owner. 

The victim was walking their dog on a lead in the Hawthorn Park area of Taunton at just after midday on Thursday 8 July. 

The dog was then attacked by another dog – a dark-coloured staffie, possibly called Toby, which was not on a lead. This dog was with a man and woman, who had two children with them, one in a buggy. 

When the victim asked the owners to put their dog on a lead, the man became verbally aggressive and threatening. He is described as white, aged in his late teens or early twenties, and wearing a black and white baseball cap and dark clothing. 

It’s believed there were other people in the park at the same time, who may have witnessed what happened.

If you saw this incident, or have any relevant information which could help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5221153789.