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Can you help us identify men involved in suspicious Avonmouth incident?

We’re appealing for witnesses following a suspicious incident in Avonmouth yesterday (Saturday, 6 October).

Four men in a black Audi drove up alongside a 13-year-old girl on the junction of Gloucester Road and Avonmouth Road opposite the In The Mouth Cafe and tried to get her attention.

The two men in the rear of the car then got out of the vehicle, prompting the girl to run away.

The girl was unharmed but the incident, which happened at about 5.40pm, made her feel uncomfortable.

The men are all described as having black hair and short beards.

We’re reviewing CCTV cameras from the area as part of our inquiry and officers have carried out local house to house visits to identify potential witnesses and to provide reassurance.

Anyone with information which could help us to identify the men is asked to call 101 and provide the call handler with the reference 5219230732.